Our code of conduct is simple and it is required, be respectful, be hospitable and keep your hands to yourself and you to can be a Elite Super Fan. Now for the formalities,
1: It is a Privilege and an Honor to be an Elite Super Fan.
2: Elite Super Fans are welcoming and good hosts to all that attend events. Occasionally visiting teams may contact you to be an ambassador and we are required to assist them and provide them a safe experience.
3. Irresponsible conduct is not tolerated at the games or other fan gatherings, be it at tailgates, parking lots or en route to or from the game.
A. Failing to follow instructions of stadium personnel or Law Enforcement.
B. Behavior that is unruly, disruptive or illegal in nature.
C. Interference with the progress of the game (including throwing objects onto the field).
D. Concealment of firearms at the stadium.
E. Intoxication, consumption of illegal drugs that causes impairment and irresponsible behavior.
F. Foul or offensive language or obscene gestures.
G. Verbal or physical harassment of opposing team fans.
H. Any other conduct deemed to be beyond the bounds of reason.
4. Elite Super Fans give back to the community as indicated within our mission statement.
5. Bullying is not tolerated, in person or social media, remember you’re an Elite Super Fan.