Elite Super Fans (ESF) is dedicated to promote unity of all fans, encourage sportsmanship, create awareness and to stop all forms of bullying.
Elite Super Fans way of life goes well beyond fandom, we thrive to make a difference to enhance the lives of others within the stadiums, communities, schools and work environments.
Elite Super Fans is a fraternity of fans stretching throughout all 32 teams in the NFL and local communities welcoming all fans and citizens who wish to uphold our code of conduct and building a family of unity.
Regardless of your age or gender, Elite Super Fans is a family experience here to embrace all new members and families. Interested? Were ready when you are.

ESF membership is the largest fan association in the NFL with over 4,600 member, more awards, Nominations and acknowledgements within all 32 teams. Elite Super Fans has partnered and is endorsed by the Retired players of congress - Retired players of the NFL and other charities.
ESF membership is a privilege open to all fans and communities, members are required to adhere to our code of conduct. Platinum members and ESF Hall of Fame members will be held to a higher standard. ESF has aligned with the NFL's diversity, equity, inclusion program giving our members more opportunities to thrive with in our organization and activities.
Patches, coins and promotional materials are sole property of Elite Super Fans. If conduct is breached you are required to return these items and donations to acquire these items will be returned within 5-7 business days.
Platinum members and ESF Hall of Fame members are drafted twice a year per conference & division, stay sharp were looking for the elite of the elite.
Our members are allowed to hold dual fraternal affiliations as we are an inclusive group, you are welcomed to take photos with other groups without limitations or discrimination.

ESF Family membership is made up of fans with big hearts working with charitable causes from Anti Bullying to Autism. Elite Super Fans, Inc. is a 501c3 and all charitable donations are welcomed.
Our membership and leadership help provide support for children, the poor, elderly and veterans causes. From Food, clothing, fund raising to supporting community needs were here to fill in the gap and make a difference.

Corporate Sponsor

Our code of conduct is simple and it is required, be respectful, be hospitable and keep your hands to yourself and you to can be a Elite Super Fan. Now for the formalities,
1: It is a Privilege and an Honor to be an Elite Super Fan, as we are the Ultimate fan association in the NFL.
2: Elite Fans are welcoming, great hosts and respectful to all that attend events. Visiting teams may contact you to be an ambassador and we request that our members provide them a safe and memorable experience.
3. The following conduct is not tolerated at the games, tailgates, fan gatherings or ESF conventions.
A. Failing to follow instructions of stadium personnel or Law Enforcement.
B. Foul or offensive language or obscene gestures to fans, members and stadium personnel.
C. Interference with the progress of the game within stands or on the field (including throwing objects or violence).
D. Firearms/weapons concealment at the stadium is grounds for expulsion unless approved by the stadium or law enforcement community.
E. Intoxication, consumption or illegal drugs that causes impairment and questionable behavior.
F. Verbal, physical harassment, bullying of opposing team fans or fan base.
G. Any other conduct deemed to be beyond the bounds of reason.
4. Elite Super Fans contributes to the community and its individual charities. It is prohibited to collect any funds or gifts directly. All charitable contributions must go direct to the charity.
5. Bullying is not tolerated, in person or social media, remember you’re an Elite Super Fan.